Women in Innovation: How Female Corporate Innovators are Leading the Way

Women in Innovation: How Female Corporate Innovators are Leading the Way
Global Innovation Institute would like to announce that it is sponsoring the Women in Innovation webinar series.

Natalie Turner, Founder of Women Who Lead and author of the book Yes You Can Innovate, and Sandra Fernholz, Head of Social Impact & Sustainability at HYPE Innovation, will lead conversations on innovation topics with experienced women from multiple industries and cultures.
The webinar series consists of 3 sessions:

Session 1: Technology & Purpose
 October 13, 11am ET / 5pm CET / 11pm SGT

In this webinar, you will learn:
1. How organizations see their impact on their communities and the world
 2. How purpose can function as an essential business driver
 3. How technology enables and scales innovation 

Session 2: Leadership & Culture
October 21, 7:30am ET / 1:30pm CET / 7:30pm SGT

In this webinar, you will learn:
1. How innovation and strategy influence each other
 2. How national cultures can have an impact on corporate innovation culture
 3. How people play an integral part of innovation

 Session 3: Complex Network Innovation & Processes
October 28, 10:30am CET / 4:30pm SGT 

In this webinar, you will learn:
1. How to engage partners, suppliers, and customers in accomplishing innovation goals
 2. Which different methodologies help build a complex network for innovation
 3. Which systems and processes support organizations in managing current and future business

 In the three-part series, each panelist will share her personal innovation style, as well as her views on being a female leader in male-dominated industries. This series provides a female perspective on innovation topics with the goal of encouraging more women to pursue a career in innovation and champion innovation in their organizations. 

In order to register for the Women in Innovation webinar, please follow the link below: