GInI Authorized Training Providers (ATPs)® are organizations whom GInI has authorized to deliver GInI’s exam preparation workshops for GInI’s professional certification program.
In order to earn designation as an ATP, providers must meet or exceed the standards of quality and effectiveness established by GInI.
Join our network of providers and help your organization:
- Make your certification preparation programs more visible.
- Increase your rate of enrollment to your classes.
- Add credibility to your training programs and services.
- Expand marketing and promotion opportunities for your organization.
Why Become an ATP?
Becoming an ATP benefits any organization who has clients, employees, or students in the adult learning field, including consulting firms, training centers, corporations, government agencies, universities, and colleges.
By partnering with GInI, you can have full confidence that what you learn – and what you teach – will always reflect the latest in innovation thought leadership. This is because GInI is the undisputed leader in Applied Business Innovation. It has established itself as the global thought leader in how to make business organizations agile, responsive, and resilient through sustained strategic innovation.
Registration Fees
- Create your profile and submit your application with payment.
- A provider should adhere to GInI brand guidelines and policies
- should be able to conduct training courses virtually or in-person
- A provider must provide all the required documents in order to review the application
- The provider must add GInI logos and badges on their organization’s website
- Providers must meet or exceed the high standards of quality and effectiveness established by GInI
- The training provider must agree to the terms for approved training providers
- Each course must have an overall accountability for the training quality and delivery
- All exercises shall be designed and delivered to meet the learning objectives of the GInI modules being taught
- Instructors must be a GInI certified in the certification they are teaching
- Because the Global Innovation Institute and GInI are globally-recognized brands, upon becoming an ATP your organization immediately gains recognition and credibility. This can allow your business to grow and reach our ever-expanding community of innovation leaders from around the world.
- Because GInI’s focus remains completely on the use of innovation in addressing the real-world challenges facing businesses every day, you can rest assured that – as a part of GInI’s provider community – your organization will always be a part of the thought leadership in innovation.
- GInI gives its ATPs and their workers an exclusive advantage by offering them the confidence that comes only from holding certifications backed by the world’s leading authority in Applied Business Innovation.
- GInI’s ATPs gain access to GInI’s world-class training materials with very low upfront investment. This material is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure it is meeting all globally-accepted standards in the field of Applied Business Innovation.
- ATPs receive privileged information from GInI about GInI certification updates prior to this information being made available to the public.
- GInI lists all of its ATPs in the Provider Directory of the GInI website. A filtering function in this directory allows stakeholders to search for ATPs in their area, so that particular providers can be found in specific regions of the world.
- Direct training requests to GInI are shared with active ATPs in order to assist in establishing new connections between ATPs and prospective new clients.
Becoming an Authorized Training Provider (ATP)® allows your organization to deliver the following GInI certification training programs:
Professional Certification :
Benefits | ATP | ATAP | AUP |
The licensed right to bear the GInI Authorized Provider Badge (issued upon your approval as an Authorized Provider). |  |  |  |
Listed in GInI’s Authorized Providers Directory (online) as an officially authorized provider of GInI - visible to over 250,000 visitors each month. |  |  |  |
The licensed right to access and use all GInI training and assessment tools - including Training Kits, Provider and Instructor Manuals, Assessment Tools, Checklists, and more. |  |  |  |
The licensed right to access and use all GInI Intellectual Property assets (per GInI's guidelines) - including GInI's body of knowledge, innovation frameworks, innovation tools, certification badges, and more. |  |  |  |
The licensed right to deliver GInI’s exam preparation courses supporting GInI's Professional Certification Program - using GInI-qualified Instructors. |  |  |  |
The licensed right to deliver GInI's business assessments supporting GInI's Business Accreditation Program - using GInI Authorized Innovation Assessors (AInAs). |  |  |  |
The licensed right to offer GInI-approved IDUs (Innovation Development Units) and submit IDU claims on behalf of students. |  |  |  |
One complimentary copy (dual version - print & digital) of GInI's Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB) - in English language. |  |  |  |
One complimentary Exam Registration Voucher for the certification exam of your choice - CInP, CDTP, CInS, or CCInO. |  |  |  |
One complimentary Exam Registration Voucher for the AInA certification exam. |  |  |  |
A price discount of 100 USD on each copy of GInI's Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB). |  |  |  |
One-on-one onboarding for all new Providers and Instructors - to understand GInI's programs and their various tools and resources. |  |  |  |
Direct access to the GInI Authorized Providers Portal. |  |  |  |
Direct access to GInI's Authorized Provider Support Team. |  |  |  |
All university students will receive complimentary GInI Student Memberships. |  |  |  |
Price | $1,599 | $2,599 | FREE |
Renewal | $299 | $399 | FREE |
| Apply | Apply | Apply |
Special Exemption: If your firm is the first in its primary country to register as an Authorized Provider with GInI, then GInI will waive the First Time License & Administration Fee.