GInI is the world’s leading professional certification, business accreditation, and membership organization in the field of Applied Business Innovation.
GInI works to develop individual careers and transform organizational achievements by advancing the professions of Innovation and Innovation Leadership. It does this through its globally recognized standards, tools, publications, research, resources, professional development courses, professional certifications, business accreditations, and networking opportunities. All certifications and accreditations available from GInI reflect the most current methods, trends, and strategies in these fields.
GInI sets the standard for Innovation Performance around the globe.
GInI’s mission is to transform people, organizations, and the world to Innovation 2.0 and beyond.
GInI awards professional innovation certifications to individuals who:
Findings from GInI’s recent survey undertaken in September of 2019 show that:
To make the world more human through purposeful and progressive innovation.
There are countless sources that individuals and organizations can turn to in their quest for knowledge and insight – not to mention professional certification and business accreditation – in the field of Innovation. These range from universities, to consultancies, to professional societies, to any number of accreditation bodies. However, if you look truly deeply into their respective curricula – examining them critically – what you will discover is that those curricula generally fall into one of two groups – either practical and applied, or else academic. In addition, you will also find that inside these two groups, the caliber of the curriculum varies significantly.
When you do this, what you will discover is that:
No other party in the world has the content and programs that GInI does – theirs do not even begin to approach that of GInI.
Global Innovation Institute stands alone… in a category unto itself – head and shoulders above all others.
Welcome to the new world of Innovation. Welcome to GInI.
For too long the world has gone without a clear, strong voice for what makes effective Innovators, Innovation Managers, Innovation Strategists, and Innovation Executives. We’re here to change that.
The GInI brand was designed to stand out and represent clearly who we are and how we think and act differently about Innovation. It is our unique identity as the go-to source for advancing Innovation as a formal profession. In the very crowded marketplace of voices, our recognized certifications, accreditations, and other resources demonstrate our commitment to this cause, and to giving the world the best possible standards against which to gauge innovation capabilities.
As we continue our global expansion, we are committed to constantly providing the tools and resources that businesses and government organizations need to stay on the leading edge of innovation capability.