Accredited Innovation Training Program 'Mockup'


An Accredited Innovation Training Program (AInTP)® is a training program – typically either a single course or a relatively short series of related courses – that focuses on or touches on some facet of business innovation – and that has been fully verified and subsequently accredited by the Accreditation Center of Global Innovation Institute.

There is significant value in business and academic organizations having their Innovation and Innovation-related training programs accredited by GInI as an AInTP®.

AInTP® accreditation assures all affected stakeholders that the program has been thoroughly assessed by GInI and therefore its caliber and scope conform fully to GInI’s demanding accreditation standards. No other organization in the world prescribes this same level of accreditation standard in the field of business innovation as does GInI. Consequently, accreditation by the GInI Accreditation Center is the global standard for the accreditation of Innovation Training Programs.

Innovation Training Programs that have achieved accreditation with GInI will bear GInI’s AInTP badge – GInI’s seal of assurance that the program is of a high caliber and is being delivered with excellence. They will also have their official Certificates of Completion issued by GInI.

This offers significant value, because Accredited Innovation Training Programs attract more students than do non-accredited programs, resulting in measurable economic value to the organizations delivering these programs.

GInI remains fully committed to pursuing excellence and continuous improvement in all activities relating to the GInI Accreditation Center and the GInI Accreditation Program. The AInTP Guidebook provided on this page sets forth the policies, procedures, and standards used to assess the quality and scope of individual Innovation Training Programs, and to thereafter accredit them to GInI’s standards.

Organizations wishing to pursue accreditation of their Innovation Training Programs with GInI must submit to GInI the AInTP Application with full supporting evidence. The GInI Accreditation Center will then undertake a formal assessment of the program, after which it will make its determination of the program’s accreditation worthiness.

Innovation Training Program Accreditation is valid for the life of the program, so long as the organization continues to submit its Annual Report to GInI each year, and its re-application every other year for the program’s biennial reassessment review (used to ensure its ongoing compliance with GInI’s eligibility requirements).

What Organizations Should Apply?

Any organization offering a training course, workshop, or equivalent learning vehicle (whether academic or professional) that has been properly designed, organized, supervised, and delivered to achieve a defined set of learning objectives pertaining in some way to business innovation may apply for GInI’s accreditation of that program.

If an organization offers multiple such programs, it must secure accreditation for each program separately and independently. Accreditation of any one of its programs does not infer accreditation of any of its other programs.


Accreditation differentiates a program as being part of a select group of programs that accurately reflect and teach the disciplines of Business Innovation.

Accreditation provides affirmation of a program’s ongoing commitment to educational quality and continuous improvement.

Accreditation indicates peer recognition for achievement to a globally-recognized benchmark standard.


Program Accreditation Qualification

In order for a business’ Innovation Training Program to qualify for accreditation by GInI, it must be able to demonstrate full compliance to GInI’s eligibility requirements.

The following items are evaluated in establishing a program’s accreditation eligibility:

  1. Business Legal Status and Resources.
  2. Program Details.
  3. Program Description – Curricula and Core Focus Areas.
  4. Participant Engagement.
  5. Learning Outcomes.
  6. Program Quality Assurance.
  7. Program Trainer Qualifications.
  8. Program History.
  9. Program Improvement Initiatives.

Programs seeking initial accreditation will be granted accreditation for a maximum period of two (2) years.

The Application Process

In order for a business’ Innovation Training Program to achieve accreditation by GInI, the business must successfully complete the following steps.

Step One: Applicant completes the GInI Accreditation Application

The GInI Accreditation Application involves the following information, evidences, and fees:

  1. Program information necessary for GInI to understand the context and details of the applicant program.
  2. The applicant’s responses, including evidences, demonstrating that the program fully meets GInI’s eligibility requirements.
  3. Copies of all program training materials in English.
  4. The accreditation application fee

Step Two: GInI reviews the completed Accreditation Application.

Upon receipt and processing of the applicant’s Accreditation Application Form and accompanying materials, the form is formally reviewed by the GInI Accreditation Center for conformance to GInI’s accreditation eligibility requirements.

The scope of this review includes the following:
  1. Review of the nature, size, age, and legal status of the business.
  2. Review of the program’s duration, delivery modalities, delivery locations, and collaborations.
  3. Review of the program’s core focus areas and learning objectives, together with a detailed program description and content outline.
  4. Review of the program’s learning outcomes, participant engagement methods, and assessment methods.
  5. Review of the program’s history, quality assurance measures, trainer qualifications, and continuous improvement initiatives.

Assessing these types of indicators allows GInI to ensure that the programis of the caliber and quality needed to bear GInI accreditation.

Step Three: GInI issues its formal accreditation decision to the applicant.

Subsequent to completing its formal review process, the GInI Accreditation Center will take one of five different actions. These are as follows:

  1. Initial Grant of Accreditation
  2. Reaffirmation Grant of Accreditation
  3. Deferral of Accreditation
  4. Denial of Accreditation
  5. Withdrawal of Accreditation
  1. All decisions issued by the GInI Accreditation Center will be announced within 30 days of the decision.
  2. Along with the official notification letter granting GInI Accreditation, newly accredited or reaffirmed programs will receive a Continuing Accreditation Requirements Letter outlining the following:
    • Opportunities for improvement and suggested actions.
    • Requirements for submission of the program’s Annual Report.
    • Information concerning the benefits of GInI accreditation, including access to the “GInI Accredited Program” logo


Accreditation Annual Reporting:

In order for a program to maintain its formal accreditation with GInI, it must submit an Annual Report to GInI once each year. This is done using GInI’s standardized Annual Report Form.

Accreditation Biannual Reaffirmation

Programs accredited by GInI must submit to a comprehensive reevaluation and accreditation reaffirmation process biannually. To do this, the applicant business must complete and resubmit to GInI the full Accreditation Application Form, which will then be reviewed by GInI in a reaffirmation review. Programs must plan ahead so as to allocate appropriate time to complete this accreditation reaffirmation process. Six months prior to their expiration date, GInI will issue the applicant notification of this. If the accreditation reaffirmation process is not completed prior to that year’s accreditation expiration date, then the program will be at risk of losing its accreditation. There is no additional fee for the biannual reaffirmation process.

There is no additional fee for the biannual reaffirmation.


Fee Schedule – Innovation Training Program Accreditation

Accreditation of a business’ Innovation Training Program by GInI involves three distinct fees.

Fee #1: Program Application Fee – a one-time upfront fee

This fee covers the administrative application review process and is paid only once – at the time of submitting the initial Accreditation Application. GInI will not review an Accreditation Application until this fee has been paid.

Fee #2: Program Accreditation Fee – a one-time upfront fee

This fee covers granting of the Accreditation and is paid only once – when GInI initially grants formal Program Accreditation. GInI will not grant formal Accreditation until this fee has been paid.

Fee #3: Certificate Issuance Fee – an ongoing recurring fee

This fee covers GInI’s issuance of formal certificates to those who have completed the accredited training program. It is incurred for each certificate issued by GInI, at the time of certificate request.

Program Duration
Certificate Fee
≤ 24 hour75 USD
> 24 hour100 USD


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