Award Badge

2024 Winners:

Institute of Banking Studies
Sarya Consulting
TQ Consulting
Al Nokhbah Management Consultants (IDMC)
London Excellence Academy


The GDI Awards’ Authorized Provider is open to any GInI Authorized Provider in good standing – whether ATP, ATAP, or AUP – who has met the award’s criteria by producing a significantly positive impact in its regional area of operation on behalf of GInI and its mission. One award is awarded each year from amongst all active GInI Authorized Providers.

This award is open to any GInI Authorized Provider, anywhere in the world, without regard for any irrelevant attributes of that Provider.

To Qualify for the Authorized Provider Award:

  1. The Provider must have been fully active over the course of the entire preceding year.
  2. The Provider must have delivered a sizeable number of GInI exam-preparation training courses and/or GInI accreditation assessments when compared to all other Providers.
  3. The Provider must have – over the preceding year, and through its efforts in association with GInI – had a significantly positive impact in its region, in terms of building and/or activating innovation capabilities inside different organizations.

Each of the above must be attested by the applicant.

Anyone can nominate an Authorized Provider for a Authorized Provider GDI Award – including self-nomination by the affected Provider itself.

Authorized Provider Award Nomination

The GDI Authorized Provider Award Nomination Application contains eight (8) parts:

  1. The name of the Authorized Provider being nominated.
  2. The location and region served by this Authorized Provider.
  3. The date when this Authorized Provider was first officially registered with GInI.
  4. The name and contact information of this Authorized Provider’s designated representative for the purposes of this application.
  5. A detailed explanation of the different GInI exam-preparation training courses and GInI accreditation assessments this Provider has delivered over the preceding year.
  6. A thorough explanation of how this Provider has – via its GInI-related efforts – produced significantly positive impact in its region of the world over the past year on behalf of GInI and its mission.
  7. The applicant’s name and contact information.
  8. The applicant’s and a witness’ affirmation of the accuracy of the information provided herein.