Award Badge

2024 Winners:

MOHAP FUTURE AND INNOVATION LABMinistry of Health and Prevention
UNDP Youth Leadership ProgramUnited Nations Development Program - Lebanon Country Office
Creative HQCreative HQ
Institutional Innovation GuidebookOman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit
Ajman Police Innovation CenterAjman Police General Headquarters
Intersect Innovation HubIntersect Innovation Hub


The GDI Awards’ Innovation Enabler Category is open to any Innovation Enabler that has met the award’s criteria by making an outstanding contribution to the success of the party / parties it serves – as measured by the positive impacts that party / those parties have produced as a result of the support received from this Innovation Enabler. An Innovation Enabler can include any of the following: an Innovation Lab, a Business Incubator, an Accelerator Program, an Innovation Training Program, or an Innovation Educational Program. One award is awarded each year spanning all these types.

This award is open to any Innovation Enabler that has either been officially established by its owning organization or otherwise legally-registered as a separate business entity – as evidenced in either case by appropriate documentation. This is regardless of any irrelevant attribute of the Innovation Enabler or its owning organization.

To qualify for the Distinguished Innovation Enabler Award:

The Innovation Enabler must be able to demonstrate that it has consistently supported the affected party / parties over the preceding two (2) or more years.

The Innovation Enabler must be able to demonstrate that the affected party / parties have – as a direct result of its support – successfully conceived, defined, designed, developed, validated, and launched two (2) or more new innovations with a measurably positive impact.

Each of the above must be attested by the applicant.

Anyone can nominate an Innovation Enabler for an Innovation Enabler GDI Award – including self-nomination by the affected party / parties.

The GDI Innovation Enabler Award Nomination Application contains nine (9) parts:

  1. The name of the nominated Innovation Enabler.
  2. The type of Innovation Enabler represented – Innovation Lab, Business Incubator, Accelerator Program, Training Program, or Educational Program.
  3. The physical location of the nominated Innovation Enabler.
  4. The name and nature of the organization operating the nominated Innovation Enabler.
  5. The name and contact information of the Enabler’s designated representative for the purposes of this application.
  6. A detailed explanation of how this Innovation Enabler has consistently supported its supported party / parties over the preceding two (2) or more years.
  7. A detailed explanation of how the supported party / parties have – as a direct result of this Innovation Enabler’s support – successfully conceived, defined, designed, developed, validated, and launched at least two (2) new innovations having a measurably positive impact beyond their own organization.
  8. The applicant’s name and contact information.
  9. The applicant’s and a witness’ affirmation of the accuracy of the information provided herein.