Exclusive GInI Webinar - Island of Invention: How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers

Exclusive GInI Webinar - Island of Invention: How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers

Innovation Centers have many names and many forms, but they all have one thing in common – it can be extraordinarily challenging to make them ‘extraordinary’!

In this ‘minds-on’ webinar, innovation consultants and authors Bryan Mattimore and Claus Raasted ask – and answer – the fundamental questions about innovation centers, including:

  • What IS an innovation center – and why are they so critically important to an organization’s ongoing productivity, profitability, and future growth?
  • Where do organizations go wrong when it comes to designing, organizing, and managing these unique institutions?
  • And most importantly... how can you create an extraordinary innovation center for your organization?

Among the actionable insights the authors will share in this webinar will be the innovation center’s key role in:

  • Co-creating innovation and growth strategies for the entire organization.
  • How disruptive war gaming can – and should be -- an essential offering of any innovation center.
  • The reasons innovation centers require ‘more than a space’; and...
  • The critical role of an ideation strategist and prompt engineer in the innovation center of the future.

 Moonshot Factory. Research Lab. Skunk Works. Center for the Future. Think Tank.

Bryan Mattimore, Ideation Process & Innovation Strategy Consultant

Bryan W. Mattimore is Cofounder and “Chief Idea Guy” of the Growth Engine Innovation Agency, where he has helped “ideate” and manage over two hundred successful innovation projects, leading to $3 billion in new sales for one-third of the Fortune 100 companies.

A cum laude graduate of Dartmouth, Bryan is also an innovation and marketing instructor for Caltech. His seven books on creativity, ideation and innovation processes include 21 Days to a Big Idea, and Idea Stormers and now Islands of Invention, How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers.

Claus Raasted, Innovation Culture Keynote Speaker

Claus Raasted is the Director of the College of Extraordinary Experiences, and the author of 44 books, and the producer of more than one-thousand organizational events. He is also a coach and senior advisor to several of the world’s largest management consulting companies.

Claus works globally as a keynoter, speaking on innovation culture transformation. His website he labels him as “an overpaid rockstar,” and a cross between “Mick Jagger, Lady Gaga and Thor!”  

Webinar video recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IwN93ckYl8&t=62s