Why GInI?
There are countless sources that individuals and organizations can turn to in their quest for knowledge and insight – not to mention professional certification and business accreditation – in the field of Innovation. These range from universities, to consultancies, to professional societies, to any number of accreditation bodies. However, if one looks truly deeply into their respective curricula – examining them critically – what they will discover is that these curricula generally fall into one of two groups – either practical and applied, or else academic. In addition, they will also find that inside these two groups, the caliber of the curriculum will likewise vary – in some cases significantly.
When one does this, what they will discover is that:
- GInI is the only professional certification and business accreditation body in the entire world whose curriculum both reflects a very practical and applied business perspective and has been developed to the highest possible caliber.
- GInI’s curriculum was created and is maintained by working business professionals for working business professionals – those who must take this knowledge and apply it to their everyday work and challenges. All other bodies offering professional certification and/or business accreditation in the field of Innovation approach the subject from a purely academic perspective. Their curriculum has been developed by academicians, resulting in content that is out of touch with the real-world pressures and challenges of the actual business environment. Their academic treatment of the subject is very much divorced from those realities, meaning that its value to real-world business leaders and professionals is extremely limited.
- Global Innovation Institute’s curriculum has been developed, and is maintained, by actual real-world business leaders, each of whom possess decades of experience leading and executing Innovation inside the real-world business environment.
- GInI’s curriculum, its professional certifications, and its business accreditations are all the only such programs in the field of Innovation reflecting a real-world treatment of the topic – what we refer to as Applied Business Innovation.
No other party in the world has content or programs that even begin to approach those of GInI.
Global Innovation Institute stands alone. It is in a category unto itself – head and shoulders above all others.
Welcome to the new world of Innovation. Welcome to GInI.